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GM 243
GM 243
П-п | Арт | Название |
1 | Screw - Vite T.E. M6x40 UNI 5737 | |
2 | Joint - Raccordo | |
3 | Plate - Piastra | |
4 | Filtering element - Bemento filtrante | |
5 | Intatake filter - Fitro acorrazione | |
6 | Screw - Vite 0 3.9x16 \\\"B\\\" UNI 6954 | |
7 | START valve - Valvoia START | |
8 | Head - Testa 1 foro | |
8A | Head - Testa 2 foro | |
13-16 | Set of aaskets - Kit auamizioni | |
10 | Valve Dlate - Piastra Dortavalvole | |
12 | Set of valve - Kit vatvole | |
14 | Cylinder - CiDndro | |
15 | Nut - Dado M8 UNI 5587 | |
17 | Piston rings - Kit segmenti | |
18 | Piston - Pistone | |
10 | Piston Din - Somotto | |
20 | Ring - Anelh | |
21 | Con rod - BieHa | |
23 | Bearing - Cusdnetto 6205 | |
24 | Crankshaft - Albero a aomto | |
26 | Housing - Carenatura | |
27 | Oil level • Asta irveBo olio | |
28 | Carter cover - Cooerchio carter | |
20 | Screw- Vite | |
30 | Screw - Vite 0 3.9x16 Ъ\\\" UNI 6954 | |
31 | Gasket - Guamizione | |
32 | SWIM ring - Апево SMIM | |
33 | Carter - Carter | |
34 | Rotor - Rotore | |
35 | Motor casing - Carcassa motore V230-50/1 | |
35A | Motor casing - Carcassa motore V240-50/1 | |
36 | Bearina - Cusdnetto 6203 ZZ QE6 | |
37 | Base - Base | |
39 | Screw - Vite T.C. M5x20 ТАР-ТГГЕ | |
40 | Tension rod - Tirante | |
41 | Fan - Ventola | |
42 | Screw - Vite T.C. М4хв ТАР-ПТЕ | |
43 | Stud bolt - Priaioniero | |
44 | Cover - Caiotta | |
45 | Capacitor - Condensatore 30 pF | |
100 | Set Plates/Valves - Kit Piastre/Vahrole | |
101 | Set Con rod/Piston - Kit BieHa/Pistone | |
102 | Carter/Shaft unit - Gruooo Carter/Albero |