Деталировочная схема
П-п | Арт | Название |
in | Front shield IVB35J609A | |
2 | Front grid IP23 | |
3 | Bearing - 6205 2RS C3 | |
40 | Fan (with hole diam.30) | |
50 | Shaft stay bolt | |
60 | Rotor EWDC (iCouplhg7) (1) | |
70 | Shglephase recrif. bridge | |
90 | Housing + Stator EW-DC | |
150 | EWDC weldhg impedance | |
18 | S6p mg (51x22x08) | |
19 | Sip ring cover (diam. 51) | |
200 | Bmshhdder + brushes EW-MDC) | |
22 | P23 end cover | |
23 | Tap for P23 end cover | |
280 | 6 posit, commutator (EW 170) | |
29 | Tap for EK end cover | |
30 | Black high top cover | |
31 | KfT: from IMB35J609b to 1/IB34 (B3/B14) | |
320 | Bind EK end ccuer | |
330 | Panel | |
34 | Weldhg rectifier bridge EW170200 | |
37 | Commutator knob (6-7 pos.) | |
39 | Female 400A weldhg termhal | |
41 | Male 400A weldhg termhal | |
440 | Range selector (2 pos.) (EW 170) | |
45 | Thermal protection | |
46 | PTC | |
49 | Varistor of bmshholder | |
50 | Stay bolt M8x30 |