П-п Арт Название
104 PIN, Float Hinge
105 VALVE, Float Needle
117 JET, Main (Standard)
118 JET, Main (High Altitude)
121 KIT, Carburetor Overhaul (Service Kits may include extra parts not specific to this engine.)
122 SPACER, Carburetor
133 FLOAT, Carburetor
137 GASKET, Float Bowl
163 GASKET, Air Cleaner (Air Cleaner)
216 LINK, Choke (Part information located in Controls Group.)
217 SPRING, Choke Return
493 BRACKET, Mounting
623 SEAL, O-Ring (Carburetor Spacer)
724 RETAINER, Seal
951 LEVER, Choke
975 BOWL, Float
1127 SCREW (Float Bowl to Carburetor Body)
1218 SEAL, O-Ring (Carburetor)
1238 SCREW (Carburetor Spacer)